Two years ago Nate and Ambor took the leap and became husband and wife. Due to COVID and the family unable to attend they didn't get the original wedding they had planned. When I reached out looking for couples to dress in wedding attire and get some photos done they messaged me and told me about their original wedding plans and how they had not worked out. Of course finding this out I insisted we got some "wedding" photos. I first met Ambor back in 2016 when she babysat my kiddo while I went to school. Seeing that she found the perfect other half warmed my heart. Just getting to take their photos you can see that Nate and Ambor have a beautiful true love. That beautiful love and this beautiful location made for the perfect wedding portraits.
Congratulation Nate and Ambor!
A special thank you to Red Barn Orchard for allowing us to come out and use their location and beautiful art that they grew!